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What is a Pre-Pointe Assessment?

A pre pointe assessment evaluates the dancers readiness to dance en pointe, meaning the ballet shoes where you are dancing right up on your toes! This is not a pass or fail assessment like a ballet exam! Our assessment is designed to ensure success in training en pointe and to reduced the risk of recurrent injuries. Knowledge is power and learning areas you may need some extra help with, will ensure you enjoy your transition to dancing en pointe.


What to Expect

A 45 minute session by a trained physiotherapist who has a background in classical ballet.


Our physiotherapists Claire and Isabel have a thorough understanding of dance and related injuries. This is a relaxed session starting with some questions starting with your age, training history, injury and past medical history. Your dance and physical goals will also be discussed.

What We Will look at

A thorough assessment looking at movement of all lower limb joints, with a particular focus on ankle and big toe range. The length and strength of muscles will be assessed including your calf muscles, intrinsic foot muscles, core and pelvic control. Dancing en pointe requires a position called turnout and this will also be assessed. The next part of the session involves looking at a few ballet specific movements including: plie, tendu, rise, jumps in ballet positions and arabesque.

Dancers! Let's get you 
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How we can help your dancing

After the assessment a comprehensive exercise program will be developed based on the areas identified in your assessment to ensure you are safe to dance en pointe. This includes lower limb strengthening, core exercises, foot alignment and calf endurance. It is recommended these exercises are completed 2-3 weekly. It is important to have a review in 3-6 weeks time to monitor your improvement.


When can young dancers commence pointe work? It is typically not recommended before 12 years of age due to the skeletal immaturity and the body not being able to tolerate the extra demands of dancing en pointe. A pre pointe assessment can be considered from 11 years of age to start to work on developing your strength before turning 12.

Top level ballet dancers including the Australian ballet have a strengthening regime they follow everyday including single leg calf endurance rises of 35 + reps! 


  • Book your pre pointe assessment from age 11 or 2-3 months before your class is planning to commence pointe.

  • Ensure you wear leotards/tights or tight fitting activewear to the assessment

  • It is important to continue your exercise program once you transition en pointe, as they are designed to maintain the strength/positions required for pointe.

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Need help with making an appointment?

Our Admin Team at Move is here to assist. If you are having trouble booking online or would prefer a different method, please reach out to us on any of the contact methods below:

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